“When I walked out of the Jeffersonville City jail, I knew one thing for certain, my wife was going to be pissed.” This week I’m joined by the man who spoke those words, Retired Colonel Fred Johnson, US Army. Also joining us is Doctor Laura Johnson, the “wife” Fred was referring too. Fred and Laura were initially brought to my attention when I heard Fred’s appearance on the NPR radio show, The Moth Radio Hour. During Fred’s appearance, he describes how multiple deployments, and specifically the loss of 3 fellow soldiers, had profoundly affected his mental health. Like far too many service members, Fred had ignored the warning signs of PTSD, even when they came from his wife Laura…who just happens to be a Licensed Psychologist and current Director of Psychological Health and the Chief of Behavioral Health at Ireland Army Health Clinic at Fort Knox, KY. 

Fred and Laura speak openly about Fred’s mental health struggles and recovery and the impact it had on them personally and professionally. They both bring valuable insight into the struggles many of our service members are dealing with, as a result of 20 years of war fighting. Thank you to Fred and Laura for coming on the show and I hope you all get as much from this conversation as I did. 

