This month’s guest meeting host is Nutritionist Denis Faye. Denis will be discussing nutrition for endurance athletes. Denis has contributed to dozens of publications including The New York Times, Outside, Men’s Journal, Wired, Men’s Health, and Natural Products Insider. He’s also ghostwritten or collaborated on books including Tony Horton’s The Big Picture and Michele Promanaulayko’s Sugar Free 3.
Free breathrwork session with Jason Muscavage: https://ignitesadhana.com/wim-hof/
How do we replace our bad habits with ones that could potentially improve our mental health, happiness, success and the environment?
In an effort to spread the power of positive habit forming, CoH has invited experts in different fields to guest host a monthly meeting where we’ll discuss building positive habits through mindfulness/meditation, physical fitness, breathwork, a healthy diet….you get the idea.
This month’s guest meeting host is Wim Hof Certified Instructor, Jason Muscavage. Jason will be discussing our ability to voluntarily activate your autonomic nervous system, actively influence your immune response and consciously control your response to stress and pain. This practice has huge implications for health and wellness across the globe!
How do we replace our bad habits with ones that could potentially improve our mental health, happiness, success and the environment?
In an effort to spread the power of positive habit forming, CoH has invited experts in different fields to guest host a monthly meeting where we’ll discuss building positive habits through mindfulness/meditation, physical fitness, breathwork, a healthy diet….you get the idea.
This month’s guest meeting host is the Founder of Addict II Athlete (AIIA), host of the A2A Podcast, licensed mental health therapist and certified substance use disorder counselor, Blu Robinson. Blu will be discussing habits related to addiction and mental health, and A2A’s method of promoting recovery from addiction through healthy recreation and exercise.
This months meeting host is Coca-Cola’s former Head of Sustainability and CoH Board Member, Jeffrey Foote. Jeff will be covering the basic statistics on our impact on water, climate and waste along with some simple solutions people can consider to reduce their ecological foot print.
This week’s virtual meeting was hosted by “The Ordinary Yogi" Luis Murillo. Luis is an active duty Air Force Master Sergeant currently on deployment; he is also among many things a father, husband, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness guru that will be presenting on the how yoga can be the gateway to wellness, health, and positive change.