This week I had an awesome conversation with Elaine and Heath Brewer from Humble Warrior Wellness. These two have established a Wellness Center that incorporates yoga, meditation and other relevant methods of integrative and holistic therapies to help veterans and first responders deal with the inevitable stressors associated with their jobs. 

 Heath is a combat veteran, deployed 12 times as a Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician and was completely unaware of the mental toll his time in service had caused. Only after attending a life-changing intensive outpatient program at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE), a specialized branch of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, did he and Elaine become aware of the massive benefits of meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness techniques. 

 Elaine is a 15yr military spouse. After witnessing so much trauma and loss within Heath’s military unit, she decided to shift her focus from physical health to mental health resilience and founded the Humble Warrior Wellness Nonprofit. Since then, these two have been committed to building a facility that enables both veterans and first responders to reap the benefits of holistic therapies. Be sure to check them out at and on Instagram at Humble_Warrior_Welness 

